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                            5.  If that’s the case it better be explained to Uncle Robert.
                            6.  Oh, haven’t you done enough to us one day?

                            7.Find evidence to prove that
                            1.  Dolly’s marriage affected Anson in a different way.
                            2.  Anson was always ready to give a helping hand to those who needed
                            3.  Anson no longer rejoiced in his freedom.
                            4.  Anson wanted to save Uncle Robert’s  marriage.
                            5.  Edna didn’t want any scandal.

                            1.  Uncle Robert’s wife.
                            2.  Aunt Edna’s intrigue.
                            3.  Anson’s luncheon with Edna.

                            9.Comment on the following.
                            1.  Anson had a foretaste of the sensation of a man of forty.
                            2.  At the Yale Club Anson was a figure, a personality, and a tendency
                                of his class.
                            3.  Like  all  men  who  spring  from  a  happy  and  successful  marriage,
                                Anson believed in it passionately.
                            4.  Anson was learning the rarity, in a single life, of encountering true
                            5.  …  a  feeling  that  was  more  than  personal,  a  reversion  toward  that
                                family solidarity on which he (Anson) had based his pride.
                            6.  You are old enough to know better.
                            7.  There would be appeal to his chivalry, then to his pity, finally to his
                                superior sophistication.
                            8.  The maid got hold of the wrong end of the thing.
                            9.  Sloane’s father was a notorious fundamentalist.
                            1.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  to bring about                   14. to take to drink
                            2.  to distort                       15. to cut at smb
                            3.  to  retire  to  a  select  Episcopal  16. diminuative
                                heaven                           17. cuspidor
                            4.  to chaperone                     18. to immure
                            5.  shortcoming                      19. to rove
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