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                            2.  Anson’s strong instinct for life had turned him in his twenties from
                                the hollow obsequies of the abortive leisure class.
                            3.  Most of his friends were drawn deep into domesticity.
                            4.  The necessity of dissimulation is one of the few characteristics that
                                we share with dogs.


                            1.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.

                            1.  transaction      7.  I looked her up in the purser’s office
                            2.  to melt down     8.  to do smth with infectious gusto
                            3.  at length        9.  bizzare
                            4.  stiffly          10. to feel at home
                            5.  to fall silent   11. to cherish
                            6.  defiant

                            2.Supply antonyms and synonyms to the following.
                            Resist, invariably, intense, fussy, amaze, exhibit, joyous, rare, nurse.

                            3.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What did the members of the firm arrange for Anson?
                            2.  Why did Anson act as a drag and a strain in every transaction?

                            4.Which sentences are true?
                            1.  Paula Legendre Hagerty died in childbirth and Anson grieved very
                            2.  Paula’s death changed him unbelievably.
                            3.  Anson’s trip to Paris brought him to life again.

                            5.Put the events in the chronological order.
                            1.  Anson sailed on board the Paris leaving his principality behind.
                            2.  Anson found out everything about the girl in the red tam.
                            3.  Anson’s partners advised Anson to go abroad for the summer.
                            4.  Paula died in childbirth.

                            6. Reproduce the situations in which the following sentences are used.
                            1.  If I stop, that means I’ve given up – I’m through.
                            2.  After one cocktail a change came over him.
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