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                            3.  He needed to commit their destinies to no practical enigma.
                            4.  Anson carried  on his work  without a break – rather with a fear of
                                what would happen if he stopped.

                            1.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            -   to be in charge of        -   to hem smb in
                            -   in effect                 -   to grant a place in the social edifice
                            -   through a complication    -   contemptuous
                            -   to back smb               -   decoy
                            -   to blunder                -   timorous
                            -   to be up to smb           -   ruse
                            -   callous                   -   atonement
                            -   notorious                 -   opaque
                            -   facet                     -   to catch sight of smth
                            -   an abandon to indulgence   -   to overwhelm
                            -   infatuation               -   imminent
                            -   to inquire into smth      -   to wink
                            -   to question smth          -   to blur
                            -   a propensity to dissipation  -   abomination
                            -   to precipitate            -   solicitous

                            2.Supply antonyms and synonyms to the following.
                            Weakness,  neglect,  decline,  scarcely,  conceal,  abruptly,  spaciousness,
                            engulf, dedication, invoke, delight, torture.

                            3.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What did Anson do in 1922?
                            2.  Why did people trust him?
                            3.  What was typical of him? Why?
                            4.  Why did Anson invite the author to family dinners?
                            5.  What was Dolly’s background?
                            6.  What did she look like?
                            7.  What did Dolly like about Anson?
                            8.  What was Mrs. Karger’s attitude to Anson?
                            9.  Why did Anson develop his affair with Dolly if he despised unstable
                            10. What did Dolly feel catching sight of Paula’s picture?
                            11. What  happened after their visit to the Linx Club?
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