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                            2.  incongruity                    15. to sprawl
                            3.  imperviousness                 16. opulent
                            4.  an old beau                    17. to flaw
                            5.  to overcome an obstacle        18. by me! – Я пас!
                            6.  a society reporter             19. I’ll double three spades! – Я
                            7.  to be played out                   подвоюю 3 піки
                            8.  to  make  certain  behavioristic  20. What was bid? – З чого
                                demands                            почали?
                            9.  disdainful                     21. you could cut it with a knife
                            10. abundance                      22. to  commit  one’s  destiny  to
                            11. to slip into the past              enigma
                            12. precarious                     23. with the strain of three years
                            13. save for                       24. to carry on

                            2.Supply antonyms and synonyms to the following.
                            Anxiety, alternating, temporarily, vitality, departure, abundance, secure,
                            recklessly, strain, cordial.

                            3.Answer the following questions.
                            1.What happened to Anson when he was abroad?
                            2.What did a society reporter wait for one evening?
                            3.What did Anson do in New York?
                            4.What did Paula write  in her letters about?
                            5.What happened at the Everglades Club?
                            6.What did Paula wait for?
                            7.What was Anson sure of?
                            8.What was the reason for Anson’s depression?

                            4.Which sentences are true?
                            1.  Paula felt a tremendous pride in Anson. He was humorous, reckless,
                                gentle, attractive, and understanding.
                            2.  When Anson went abroad Paula missed him enormously.
                            3.  Anson fell out of love with Paula.
                            4.  Though  Paula  made  certain  behavioristic  demands  she  definitely
                                didn’t want to break the engagement.
                            5.  The  combination  of  Anson’s  influential  family  connection,  his
                                intelligence,  and  his  physical  energy  couldn’t  help  him  to  make  a
                                successful career.
                            6.  Anson’s engagement with Paula was broken.
                            7.  Anson liked amusements and was extremely good at entertaining.
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