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                            took for granted chiseling in others, so he always quoted chisel-proof
                            prices,  and  then  came  down  to  the  regular  prices.  It  made  his
                            customers feel good. It pleased them to think that they had put one
                            over on Harry , but he always had a quiet laugh to himself.
                                  One year the whole  valley was nearly ruined by a severe frost
                            that destroyed most of a great crop of grapes and oranges. Harry got
                            into his Studebaker and drove into the country. Frost-bitten oranges
                            were  absolutely  worthless  because  the  Board  of  Health  wouldn't
                            allow them to be marketed, but Harry had an idea. He went out to the
                            orange groves, and looked at the trees loaded with fruit that was now
                            worthless. He talked to the farmers and told them how sorry he was.
                                  Then he said:
                                  "But  maybe  I  can  help  you  out  a  little.  I  can  use  your  frost-
                            bitten oranges... for hog and cattle feed. Hogs don't care if an orange
                            is frost-bitten, and the juice is good for them the same way it's good
                            for people.... vitamines. You don't have to do anything. I'll have the
                            oranges picked and taken away, and I'll give you a check for twenty-
                            five dollars, spot cash." That  year  he  sent  over  twenty  trucks  loaded
                            with frost-bitten oranges to Los Angeles for the orange-juice stands,
                            and he cleaned up another small fortune.
                                  Everyone  said  he  could  turn  anything  into  money.  He  could
                            figure a way of making money out of anything. When the rest of the
                            world was down in the mouth, Harry was on his toes, working on the
                            Los Angeles way of disposing of bad oranges.
                                  He never bothered about having an office. The whole town was
                            his office, and whenever he wanted to sit down, he would go up to the
                            eighth floor of Cory Building and sit in M. Peter's office, and chew
                            the rag with the attorney. He would talk along casually, but all the
                            time  he  would  be  finding  out  about  contracts,  and  how  to  make
                            people come through with money, and how to attach property, and so
                            on.  A  lot  of  people  were  in  debt  to  him,  and  he  meant  to  get  his
                                  He had sold electric refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radios, and
                            a  lot  of  other  modern  things  to  people  who  couldn't  afford  to  buy
                            them, and he had sold these things simply by talking about them, and
                            by  showing  catalogue  pictures  of  them.  The  customer  had  to  pay
                            freight and everything else. All Harry did was talk and sell. If a man

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