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                            try to flirt. But I could love him only if he had an ambition, an object,
                            some work to do in the world. I would not care how poor he was if I
                            could help him build his way up. But, Sister dear, the kind of man we
                            always meet — the man who lives an idle life between society and his
                            clubs — I could not love a man like that, even if his eyes were blue
                            and he were so kind to poor girls whom he met in the street."



                            1.  Skimming: Skim the reading to gain a general idea of its form, length,
                                and content. Give the gist of the story.

                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  Chandler decided to ask Marian to dine with him.
                            2.  Chandler  arrayed  himself  in  the  regalia  of  millionaires  and
                            3.  Marian slipped on the sidewalk and turned her ankle.
                            4.  Marian  went  to  Mme  Theo’s  to  tell  her  to  use  mauve  insertion
                                instead of pink.
                            5.  Chandler played a wealthy idler to perfection.
                            6.  Chandler endorsed his pose by random insinuations concerning great
                            7.  Up Broadway Chandler moved with the vespertine dress parade.
                            8.  The orchestra played softly enough to make conversation a possible
                            9.  After dinner Marian returned home.
                            10. Marian held herself with an air that added distinction to the natural
                                beauty of her face and figure.
                            11. Marian described her entertainer.

                            3. Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  vigorously      15. swirl      29. glossy       43. random
                            2.  crease          16. tulle      30. solitary     44. reverently
                            3.  patent          17. vespertine  31. ribbon      45. wringe
                            4.  genteel         18. cheviot    32. discreetly   46. futile
                            5.  ignoble         19. worsted    33. gravity      47. gait
                            6.  expedient       20. dubious    34. tumble       48. rear
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