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                            7.  immaculately    21. whirlwind  35. countenance  49. sedate
                            8.  inaugurate      22. protract   36. ingenuously  50. auxiliary
                            9.  stingy          23. allure     37. elaborate    51. mauve
                            10. array           24. solace     38. hover        52. vehicle
                            11. ample           25. scuttled   39. prate        53. cuddle
                            12. regalia         26. solicitous   40. kennel     54. bacillus
                            13. commensurable  27. courtesy    41. yacht        55. plague
                            14. renascent       28. demurely   42. endorse

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   to entrust smth to smb;       -   to draw smb’s interest;
                            -   to be driven to smth;         -   to pass through one’s mind
                            -   to be inferior to smth/smb;   -   a breach of etiquette;
                            -   to set aside;                 -   to waive formalities;
                            -   to be in the limelight;       -   to add to smth;
                            -   to make up for smth;          -   to experience joy;
                            -   to come to a standstill;      -   to be beyond criticism;
                            -   to fall plump;                -   an idler of means and taste;
                            -   to strain an ankle;           -   to play up to smth.

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What was Chandler’s occupation?
                            2.  Did he like his job?
                            3.  Why did he set aside money out of each week’s earnings?
                            4.  How often did Chandler play a wealthy idler?
                            5.  What did the girl look like?
                            6.  Did  Chandler  want  to  impress  the  girl  by  inviting  her  to  the
                                restaurant? Why?
                            7.  What was the atmosphere in the restaurant like?
                            8.  What did their conversation focus on?
                            9.  Why did Chandler not tell the truth to Mariam?
                            10. What kind of man could Marian love?
                            11. Did Chandler conform to that description? Why?

                                   a)  Chandler’s  preparation  to  inaugurate  the  pleasures  of  the
                                   b)  Chandler’s  dinner  with Marian;
                                   c)  Chandler’s companion.
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