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                            this whole town misses him, and there isn't a man who knew him who
                            doesn't wish that he was still among us, tearing around town, talking
                            about big business, making things pop; a real American go-getter.



                            1.  Skimming: Skim the reading to gain a general idea of its form, length,
                                and content. Give the gist of the story.

                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  The great crop of grapes and oranges wasn’t allowed to be marketed.
                            2.  Harry got sick.
                            3.  The doctors advised Harry to go to the South.
                            4.  Harry began to buy used cars.
                            5.  Harry set over twenty trucks loaded with frost-bitten oranges to Los
                                Angeles and cleaned up another fortune.
                            6.  Harry left high school in his first year because he didn’t like the idea
                                of sitting in a class room.
                            7.  Harry didn’t bother about having an office.
                            8.  Harry’s photograph was in The Evening Herald and there was a big
                                story about his life.
                            9.  Harry filled the town with used automobiles.
                            10. The tight-wire walker tried to turn a somersault in the air and land on
                                the tight-wire.
                            11. Harry  went  around  getting  subscriptions  for  “True  Stories

                            3.Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  subscription  5.  nuisance    9.  freight     13. tight-wire
                            2.  rouge        6.  reciprocity   10. bawl       14. worldbeater
                            3.  haphazard    7.  chisel       11. somersault   15. go-getter
                            4.  alteration   8.  attorney     12. holer

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   from A to Z;                  -   to be down in the mouth;
                            -   to keep on doing smth;        -   to get hold of smth;
                            -   to earn a fortune;            -   to be out of the question;
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