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                            whitened, but to Chandler each ten weeks brought a joy as keen, as
                            thrilling,  as  new  as  the  first  had  been.  To  sit  among  bon  vivants
                            under  palms  in  the  swirl  of  concealed  music,  to  look  upon  the
                            habitues  of such a paradise and to be looked upon by them — what
                            is a girl's first dance and short-sleeved tulle  compared with this?
                                  Up  Broadway  Chandler  moved  with  the  vespertine  dress
                            parade. For this evening he was an exhibit as well as a gazer. For the
                            next sixty-nine evenings he would be dining in cheviot and worsted at
                            dubious  table  d'hotes,  at  whirlwind  lunch  counters,  on  sandwiches
                            and beer in his hall bedroom. He was willing to do that, for he was a
                            true son of the great city of razzle-dazzle  and to him one evening in
                            the limelight made up for many dark ones.
                                  Chandler protracted his walk until the Forties began to intersect
                            the  great  and  glittering  priMr.ose  way ,  for  the  evening  was  yet
                            young, and when one is of the beau monde  only one day in seventy,
                            one  loves  to  protract  the  pleasure.  Eyes  bright,  sinister,  curious,
                            admiring, provocative, alluring were bent upon him, for his garb and
                            air proclaimed him a devotee to the hour of solace and pleasure.
                                  At a certain corner he came to a standstill, proposing to himself
                            the  question  of  turning  back  toward  the  showy  and  fashionable
                            restaurant  in which  he usually dined  on the evenings of  his special
                            luxury. Just then a girl scuttled lightly around the corner, slipped on a
                            patch of icy snow and fell plump upon the sidewalk.
                                  Chandler  assisted  her  to  her  feet  with  instant  and  solicitous
                            courtesy. The girl hobbled to the wall of the building, leaned against
                            it and thanked him demurely.
                                  "I think my ankle is strained," she said. "It twisted when I fell.”
                                  "Does it pain you much?" inquired Chandler.
                                  "Only when I rest my weight upon it. I think I will be able to
                            walk in a minute or two."
                                  "If I can be of any further service," suggested the young man, "I
                            will call a cab, or — "

                              bon  vivants (Fr.):  those fond of good  living
                              habitues (Fr.): usual customers or visitors, frequenters
                              tulle: a tulle dress worn at parties
                              the city of razzle-dazzle (here): New York, full of excitement and bustle
                              the great and glittering primrose way (metaphore) (here): Broadway lit by
                            pale yellow lights
                              beau monde (Fr.): the best of society, the elite
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