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                            the hearth? And who knows if it will not bring us bad fortune? And
                            how shall we tend it?" And she was wroth against him.
                                  "Nay, but it is a Star-Child," he answered; and he told her the
                            strange manner of the finding of it.
                                  But she would not be appeased, but mocked at him, and spoke
                            angrily, and cried;  "Our children  lack bread, and shall we  feed the
                            child of another? Who is there who careth for us? And who giveth us
                                  "Nay, but God careth for the sparrows even, and feedeth them,"
                            he answered.
                                  "Do not the sparrows die of hunger in the winter?" she asked.
                            "And  is  it  not  winter  now?"  And  the  man  answered  nothing,  but
                            stirred not from the threshold.
                                  And  a  bitter  wind  from  the  forest  came  in  through  the  open
                            door, and made her tremble, and she shivered, and said to him: "Wilt
                            thou not close the door? There cometh a bitter wind into the house,
                            and I am cold."
                                  "Into a house where a heart is hard cometh there not always a
                            bitter wind?" he asked. And the woman answered him nothing, but
                            crept closer to the fire.
                                  And after a time she turned round and looked at him, and her
                            eyes were full of tears. And he came in swiftly, and placed the child
                            in  her  arms, and she  kissed  it,  and  laid  it  in  a  little bed where the
                            youngest of their own children was lying.
                                  And on the morrow the Woodcutter took the curious cloak of
                            gold  and  placed  it  in  a  great  chest,  and  a  chain  of  amber  that  was
                            round the child's neck his wife took and set it in the chest also.
                                  So  the  Star-Child  was  brought  up  with  the  children  of  the
                            Woodcutter,  and  sat  at  the  same  board  with  them,  and  was  their
                            playmate.  And  every  year  he  became  more  beautiful  to  look  at,  so
                            that all those who dwelt in the village were filled with wonder, for,
                            while they were swarthy and black-haired, he was white and delicate
                            as sawn ivory, and his curls were like the rings of the daffodil. His
                            lips, also, were like the petals of a red flower, and his eyes were like
                            violets by a river of pure water, and his body like the narcissus of a
                            field where the mower comes not.
                                  Yet did his beauty work him evil. For he grew proud, and cruel,
                            and selfish. The children of the Woodcutter, and the other children of
                            the  village,  he  despised,  saying  that  they  were  of  mean  parentage,
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