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P. 52

C.  1.Ми робимо покупки в цьому  універсамі.  2.Хлібний відділ –
                                праворуч. Там завжди є свіжий хліб і булки.  3.Ми вже купили
                                цукерки,  тістечка,  торт  і  цукор.    4.Сметана  продається  в
                                баночках, а молоко в пляшках і пакетах.  4.Я куплю оселедець і
                                морожену  рибу.  5.Ціни  на  продукти  високі.    6.  Нехай  мама
                                купить м’яса.  7.У нас закінчився чай.  8.Тобі доведеться піти в
                                овочевий  магазин  купити  моркви,  цибулі,  капусти  і  буряка.
                                9.Крупи, макарони, олія, оцет і спеції продаються в бакалійному
                                відділі.  10.Ви витрачаєте багато грошей на продукти?

                            8.Give Ukrainian equivalents.

                             To buy for a song                to sell smb down the river
                             to be on the buy                 to save money for a rainy day
                             to buy a pig in a poke           to come to the right shop
                             to buy money                     to come to the wrong shop
                             to buy smth off the peg          to talk shop
                             to buy smth over smb’s head      at any price
                             to sell like hot cakes           to shoes a goose
                             to sell a pig in a poke          to be in smb’s shoes
                             to sell one’s soul               to be too big for one’s shoes
                             to sell short                    every shoes fits not every foot
                             to sell smb short                over shoes, over boots
                             to sell smb a gold brick

                            Only he who wears the shoe knows where it pinchesю
                            If the shoe fits, wear it.
                            The customer is always right.
                            Take care of the penny and the pound will take care of itself
                            A bad penny always comes back.

                                              Conversational  Activities

                            1. Answer the questions.

                            1.  Why  do  many  people  prefer  to  shop  for  clothes  at  /in  department
                            2.  Is it convenient to call at the department store on Saturday? Why?
                            3.  What department store do you usually shop at?
                            4.  What departments are there in that department store?

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