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f)  at the greengrocer’s;
                                g)  at a drugstore;
                                h)  in  a  radio  department  (a  tape  recorder;  what  make;  too
                                   expensive; half the sum; for that price; splendid);
                                i)  in an electronics department;
                                j)  in a shoe department  (to make up one’s mind before coming; to
                                   change one’s mind; different color stitching; to prefer a lower
                                   heel; soft and smooth; to stretch with wear; a little short; your
                                   foot  measures  7-A,  not  6-A;  with  open  toes;  not  too  extreme;
                                   platform soles; ridiculous; tall women; to get one’s opinion.

                            6. Read the following ad.  Recast  it  into a dialogue.

                                                      Personal Service
                                                 & Top Quality Merchandise

                                  Travel  is  exciting  and     who  can  converse  in  French,
                            shopping  is  fun.  But  when  you’re   German or Spanish.
                            far from home, thousands of miles
                            away  from  people  you  know  and          U.S. Price tags
                            trust,  you’re  naturally  hesitant       To  make  your  comparative
                            about  where  you  shop  and  what   shopping  even  easier,  you’ll  find
                            you buy.                            our  prices  marked  in  U.S.  dollars.
                                  Casselryds  takes  the  worry   And while we’re on the subject …
                            out  of  shopping.  We’ve  been     you’ll  find  our  prices  very
                            retailing   fine   crystal   and    reasonable.  Would  you  believe
                            dinnerware for more than 40 years.   50%  below  U.S.  retail  for  top
                            We’re a lot bigger now than when    quality   crystal.   That’s   your
                            we started, but we still take pride in   guarantee  of  getting  “The  Real
                            providing  the  same  friendly,     Crystal Bargain”.
                            individual  service  we’ve  always        The  price  marked  on  the
                            done.                               item is all you pay. It includes both
                                    Yes, old habits are hard to   insurance  and  shipping  to  any
                            break.  Take  the  top  quality     address you name.
                            merchandise we carry. A complete          Last   year   we   shipped
                            line of only the finest Scandinavian   thousands of packages all over the
                            and European glassware money can    world.
                                                                         Easy To Pay
                                 English Speaking Staff               We  accept  all  major  credit
                                  You  don’t  have  to  be  a   cards.  And  you  can  also  pay  with
                            linguist  to  shop  at  Casselryds.   traveller’s  cheques  or  most  major
                            English is our second language and   foreign currencies.
                            there’s always someone in the store

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