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P. 159
In spite of what’s around him,
The average Englishman
Does crosswords in the newspaper
In pencil – if he can.
Involved in any accident
The English take a pride
In being unemotional:
They take things in their stride.
In any circumstances –
Whatever they may be –
The English solve their problems
With an English cup of tea.
Vocabulary Exercises
1.Describe Ukrainians, Russian, Americans, Englishmen, Germans, and
Frenchmen using five adjectives for each nation..
2.Give definitions of the following.
Stereotype, mainstream culture, individuality, ethnic mix, virtue,
rhythm, majority, minority, multiculturalism, identity, ethnic group,
mainstream values, spiritual values, "pot luck" dinners, financial
assets, social ritual, gender issues, antagonism, social/ political
enemies, a social occasion, refugee group, casual friendship,
compromise, misconception.
3.Paraphrase the following.
To make distinctions, to exhibit class consciousness, to show
deference, to indulge differences, to hold in high regard, to adopt a
custom, to submit to authority, to give unsolicited advice, to retreat
behind a protective barrier, to be on the defensive against the outer
world, to cherish the rights to the freedom of speech, to sweeten the
life, to raise the spirits, to establish personal autonomy, to encircle the
world, to protect the mind against flattery, to prefer sociability.