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P. 160
Conversational Activities
1.What are some positive stereotypes about Ukrainians/ Americans/
Englishmen/ Germans?
2. What are some negative stereotypes about Ukrainians/ Americans/
Englishmen/ Germans?
3. Give examples of behavior which could be considered inappropriate to
4.When you meet people from other countries, how do you decide whether
their behavior is personal or cultural?
5.Read the next passage and detrermine if the following is typical of
Ukrainian culture? Why? Why not?
Making Teamwork Work
After A.B. Henderson
In this country, we are really recognition than the entire group
motivated toward individual that made the task possible. In
achievement and individual a choir, it's the soloist. In a movie,
excellence…. And it’s this self- it's the leading man or woman. In
centered mentality among the operating room, it's the
American employees that’s making surgeon.
it harder for U.S. companies to Likewise, in the corporate
implement new ideas, develop more ranks, an employee is usually
efficient processes and apply better reviewed and evaluated
technology to compete globally… individually, just like a cake in a
From kindergarten through college, bake-off at the state fair.
students are discouraged from We think competition among
sharing information or ideas – individuals brings out the best in
that’s often considered cheating. people, but it also keeps people
Children are taught to find out what from cooperating. «I» must be
they do well, excell and compete replaced by «we» and «me»
against their peers, and be No.1. culture in companies must
Often, it is one big achiever who become «my group», «my
captures the limelight, gaining more department», «my division».