Page 68 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 68

Most industrialized countries have long large networks of pipes for the distribution

          of  water  and  gas,  but  pipelines  as  a  means  of  moving  commodities  over  long

          distances originated on the oil industry one hundred and some odd years ago. The

          first  successful  crude  oil  pipeline  was  built  in  1865  in  Pennsylvania,  a  screwed

          cast-iron pipeline 2 in diameter and six miles long. Its life was short for it was torn

          up by the infuriated teamsters and it had put out of work. But it demonstrated the

          feasibility of the method.

          The  three  functions  of  pipelines  in  the  oil  and  natural  gas  industries  are:  1)  to

          transport crude oil from oil fields to ocean terminals and from ocean terminals to

          refineries or, where no sea voyage is necessary, from oil fields direct to refineries;

          2) to  carry  refined products  from  refineries or tanker  terminals  to consumers  or

          local  distribution  depots;  3)  to  transport  natural  gas  from  the  fields  to  local

          distribution centers or direct to large consumers.

          Since  pipelines  are  unaffected  by  climatic  conditions  and  other  natural  hazards,

          such  as  floods,  fog  and  frost,  their  use  helps  to  avoid  congestion  on  inland

          waterways, railroads and high-ways.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ ДО ТЕКСТУ

          it  was  torn  up  by  the  infuriated  він         був     знищений        розлюченими

          teamsters                                   водіями

          feasibility                                 можливість

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