Page 66 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 66

truck body with special belts. The truck body should be furnished for this purpose

          with special eyes to secure the belts. Never throw the reservoirs filled with fuel

          down the ground from the truck body.

          3. Steel barrels filled with fuel are loaded in the truck in one story, whereas empty

          barrels  are  loaded  in  two  stories  and  they  should  be  rigged  with  special  belts.

          Empty cans and cans filled with fuel are loaded in truck in rows in several stories

          in frameworks and without them. In latter case wooden linings are placed between


          4.  Pipeline  is  a  modern  type  of  fuel  transportation  mean.  Fuel  delivery  along

          pipelines  is  cheaper  than  transportation  by  railway  or  motor  transport.  With  the

          help of a pipeline it is possible to deliver fuel across rivers, lakes and seas. Fuel

          delivery  by  pipeline  does  not  depend  on  weather,  time  and  season.  Besides  a

          pipeline provides full secrecy of delivery. Though pipeline transportation has many

          advantages it has the following drawbacks: 1) large quantity of fuel remains in the

          pipeline, 2) it is difficult to pump fuel along a pipeline without any leakage, 3) it is

          difficult to pump viscous products - oil, mazut, etc.

          5. Pipelines may be stationary or mobile. Stationary pipelines may be of a long-

          distance type or trunk lines along which oil products are pumped at long distances

          and of local types (depots, plants, etc). In the Armed Forces stationary pipelines
          are used only at large stationary depots. Mobile pipelines are mainly used in army.

          Pipelines are the best transportation mean for oil and oil products.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ ДО ТЕКСТУ

          country road                                       польова дорога

          bed-frame                                          підставка, рама

          both ... and                                       як ... так і

          to avoid hydraulic impacts                         уникати гідравлічних ударів

          to throw                                           скидати, кидати

          row                                                ряд

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