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P. 25

casing, and they slot into corresponding                                at each side of the
                  socket. In addition, the centre of the socket is                                . So rather than being
                                                  the front of the socket, on the same face, the circular area that receives the
                  plug is                                from the surrounding casing ...
                  3      These covers only open when pressure is applied to both by the two                                of
                  the plug simultaneously.

                  c       In pairs, describe the different plug and socket formats in the pictures in Exercise

                  4a  3  .5  ►    Andy  and  Karin,  two  electrical  engineers,  are  evaluating  a  plug  and  socket
                  format  in  Exercise  2c.  Read  the  conversation  and  make  notes  of  the  advantages  and
                  disadvantages of the following features.

                  1      Plug slots into a recess in the socket:

                  2      Covers protect live and neutral slots:

                  Andy: In this format the plug slots into the recess in the socket. That allows it to fit in really
                  tightly, compared with other designs. Plus, these ridges and grooves on the sides increase the
                  amount of friction. That helps it to resist pullout forces even more, so it  won’t fall out of the
                  Karin: Yeah, but at the end of the day, how securely do you want it to be retained? If it’s held in
                  too hard, that makes it difficult to pull out. Andy: That’s true.
                  Karin: Plus, it could be dangerous. If you're vacuuming enthusiastically to loud music, let’s say,
                  and you pull the cord, you actually want the plug to pull out, don’t you? Otherwise you might rip
                  the cable half way out of the plug, or the appliance.
                  Andy: So, really, we need to compare the pullout resistance of all the formats.
                  Karin: And determine what the ideal resistance is.
                  Andy: Yeah. OK. Erm, what else can we say about this one?
                  Karin: Well I guess another advantage is, given that the plug's in a recess, if it gets pulled out
                  just a fraction, and the pins are still live, nothing can physically touch them.
                  Andy:  So  you  think  that’s  more  effective  than  having  insulators  round  the  tops  of  the  pins?
                  Karin: I’d say so, yeah.
                  Andy: This one's also got covers inside the live and neutral slots.
                  Karin: That's a standard feature on more or less every format, though, isn't it?
                  Andy: Yeah. But I think it’s something we should look at. I mean, it's obviously a good thing.
                  Anything that stops children from sticking things in is obviously a good idea. The only problem
                  with  this  system  is,  if  the  mechanism's  too  sensitive,  it  makes  it  difficult  to  insert  the  plug,
                  sometimes. And that makes it easy to damage. Karin: When people try to force it.
                  Andy: Exactly ...

                  b  In  pairs,  discuss  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  the  plug  and  socket  formats  in
                  Exercise 2c. Use the following phrases from the conversation.
                  an advantage/disadvantage of this format is ...    another   advantage/disadvantage    is   ...
                         the problem with this system is ...   this (shape/format/feature) stops ... from ... -ing

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