Page 105 - 6727
P. 105

Economic Theory

            where         Q is the total output. Total fixed cost is the same regardless of
            output, but average fixed cost declines as output increases. Average fixed
            costs decline as output increases because the quantity of output minimizes
            the monetary impact of fixed costs as it rises.

                  The average variable cost is found by dividing the total variable costs
            by the total units of output, i.e., it is per unit cost of the variable inputs.


                                                     AVC             .                                        (8.5)

                  Average  variable  cost  falls  initially,  reaches  a  minimum  when  the
            plant is operated optimally and rises after the point of normal capacity has
            been  reached.  At  low  levels  of  output,  production  is  inefficient  and

            expensive. It takes more money for producers to yield a smaller amount of
            product than it does for them to make larger amounts.
                  ATC is the per unit cost of both fixed and variable inputs. Average

            total cost of production can be obtained by dividing total cost by the units
            of output, i.e.,

                                                     ATC                                                      (8.6)

                                                          TFC     TVC
                                                ATC                                                          (8.7)

                                                 ATC      AFC     AVC .                                  (8.8)

                  Average total cost or ATC curve has the similar shape as that of AVC,

            that is, U-shaped.
                  Marginal cost is the addition to the total cost as a result of a unit (one
            unit) increase in the output.

                  It is expressed as:

                                                MC     TC      TC  n 1 ,                                    (8.9)

            where  n is the number of units of output.

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110