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P. 104

Economic Theory

                  The variable costs include the cost of:
                  a) Direct labor, which varies with output.
                  b) Raw materials; and
                  c) Running expenses of machinery.

                  The  sum  of  fixed  and  variable  costs  constitutes  the  total  cost  of
            production. Symbolically,

                                        TC = TFC + TVC                                                  (8.3)

                  Total fixed cost is the sum of expenses incurred on those inputs that

            remain same at different levels of output. Total fixed cost is a straight line
            parallel to output or x-axis. TFC is the total fixed cost curve parallel to x-
            axis indicating that it remains constant at all levels of output.

                  Total  variable  cost  is  the  sum  of  expenses  incurred  on  those  factor
            inputs whose quantity varies with a change in the level of output. Total
            variable cost curve TVC has inverse-S shape. Total variable costs increase
            as the level of output increases.

                  The adjacent Figure 8.1 shows total cost of production which is the
            sum of total variable cost and total fixed cost.

                              Figure 8.1 – Total cost, variable cost and fixed cost

                  Average fixed cost is total fixed cost divided by total output. It is per
            unit cost on fixed factors.

                                                      AFC            ,                                        (8.4)

   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109