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weight for these structures is more critical than it is for a bottom-founded structure.
Semi-submersibles and ship-shaped hulls rely on waterplane area for stability. The
centre of gravity is typically above the centre of buoyancy. The Spar platform is
designed so that its centre of gravity is lower than its centre of buoyancy, hence it
is intrinsically stable. Positively buoyant structures depend on a combination of
waterplane area and tether stiffness to achieve stability.
Floating structures are typically constructed from stiffened plate panels, which
make up a displacement body. This method of construction involves different
processes than those used in tubular construction for bottom-founded structures.
Neutrally buoyant floating structure motions can be accurately determined as a
single six-degrees of freedom system subjected to excitation forces. Positively
buoyant floating structures in deep water will have restraining systems with
substantial mass, and the restraining systems are subjected to excitation forces as
well. The motions of the platform are coupled with the dynamics of the mooring
system. The coupling of motions between the platform, risers and mooring systems
becomes increasingly more important as water depth increases.
Fixed and floating platforms are very different not only in their appearance but
also in their structural members. They are unique in how they are constructed,
transported and installed, what kind of excitation forces they are subjected to, how
they respond to these excitation forces and how they are decommissioned and
reusedirecycled at the end of their design lives. The major common characteristic
of each type of structure is that they provide deck space and payload capacity (Le.
real estate) to support equipment and variable weights used to support drilling and
production operations.
The fixed platform deck loads are directly transmitted to the foundation
material beneath the seabed. Thus, fixed platform jackets supporting the deck are
typically long, slender steel structures extending from seabed to 20-25 m above the
sea surface. Floating structure deck loads are supported by the buoyancy forces of
the hull supporting the deck.