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Compounding matters is the death of mutual trust. Polls show that
                            most Palestinians don't think this conflict can be solved peacefully
                            and that support for militant Islamic parties, which advocate Israel's
                            destruction, is growing.
                            Among  Israelis,  more,  people  are  talking  about  the  concept  of
                            "transfer,"  literally  moving Palestinians to  another country.  At  the
                            grass-roots level, bumper stickers around Jerusalem urge people to
                            "Deport the [expletives]."
                            Among the Intelligentsia, prominent historian Benny Morris writes
                            about  the  historical  "logic  of  transfer,"  while  former  left-wing
                            stalwarts like author A.B. Yehoshua now espouse the idea.
                            Against  this  background,  the  Abu  Mazen  report  suggests  that
                            Palestinians  must  "consider  other  options,  including  a  one-state
                            "It's the only option," says Mr. Terazi. "So much of the West Bank
                            has been annexed that for practical purposes it's silly to talk about a
                            Palestinian state. I have to tell people that the so-called state Israel
                            wants to  give  you  is  no  more  than  a  series  of  reservations  with
                            limited water resources.
                            "Most Palestinians react the way the leadership does, 'Wow. It's all
                            We don't want this, but what are we going to do?' „This kind of talk,
                            to Israeli ears, is code for a demographic time bomb.
                            "They  simply  prefer  to  bide  their  time  under  Israeli  rule  while
                            settlements spread throughout the West Bank and the total Palestinian
                            population comes to outnumber Israelis, before they begin a campaign
                            against Israeli "apartheid" and simply demand 'one man, one vote,' "
                            writes Yossi Alpher, former head of the Jaffee Center for Strategic
                            Studies in Tel Aviv. The answer, he suggests, is unilateral separation
                            while there is still time.
                                                                                                               By Nicole Gaouette
                                                                                                     (From Monitor world)

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