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                   This  workshop  summarizes  many  years  of  experience  in
            conducting laboratory works from the section "Electrostatics. Constant

            current  "from  the  course"  Physics  "at  the  Ivano-Frankivsk  National
            Technical University of Oil and Gas.
                   Section "Electrostatics. Constant current "can be called without

            exaggeration one of the most important sections of the physics course
            for the preparation of future bachelor's degree in specialty 185 -" Oil
            and gas engineering and technology".
                   Physics  is  an  experimental  science,  therefore,  this  laboratory

            practice  aims  students  to  become  themselves  the  pioneer  of  one  or
            another physical laws. Therefore, in the workshop a significant place
            is given to the principle, the idea of physical experiment. The student

            must have a good understanding of why this physical phenomenon is
            being investigated, how to study it, how to draw up the results of the
            experiments, and how to estimate the experimental errors.

                   This laboratory workshop may also be useful in that it in many
            cases targets the students of the IFNTUOG on the practical application
            of  the  relevant  phenomena  and  laws  of  electrostatics  and  constant


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