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P. 80
3. Remove the word HIDE from each line below the "_;_old base
components" comment. (For each item you edit, be sure to remove
both the word HIDE and the comma that follows it.)
4. Save the file and reopen Add/Remove Programs. The edited
items now appear on the list.
5. If anything goes awry (though it won't, unless you've made a
mistake in your editing), restore your backup of Sysoc.inf.
Installing Programs Under a Different
User Account
If installing the application you need requires administrative
privileges and you're not currently logged on as an administrator,
the simplest approach is to skip Add/ Remove Programs and go
straight to the application's Setup.exe, using RunAs:
1. Hold down the Shift key while you right-click Setup.exe.
2. Choose RunAs from the shortcut menu, and supply the
necessary credentials.
Creating MSI Files for Legacy
As mentioned at the beginning of this unit, applications must
describe their setup functionality in an .msi file to take advantage
of the Windows Installer. On the Windows 2000 Professional CD,
in the folder \Valueadd\3rdParty\Mgmt\Winstle, you'll find a
product called WinINSTALL LE, which you can use to create .msi
files for legacy applications. If you're an administrator who needs
to create consistent and robust setup procedures for all your
applications, you might find WinINSTALL LE invaluable.
WinINSTALL LE (the LE stands for Limited Edition) is supplied
by Veritas Software and is based on the same vendor's
WinINSTALL product. You can read about both WinINSTALL
and WinINSTALL LE at
To install WinINSTALL LE, right-click the file Swiadmle.msi in
your Windows 2000 CD's Winstle folder, and choose Install.
WinINSTALL LE consists of two components: a Discover