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3.  In the Create Report dialog box, make the settings shown here
                                 and then click OK.
                             To print a configuration report from Windows 9x:
                              1.  Right-click My Computer and choose Properties.
                              2.  On the Device Manager tab, click Print.
                              3.  In  the  Print  dialog  box,  select  System  Summary  and  click

                            3. Answer the questions:

                                   1.  What  are  your  first  steps  before  installing  Windows
                                   2.  What are the minimum hardware requirements?
                                   3.  How can you get a report of any problems?
                                   4.  What  types  of  programs  are  more  than  likely
                                   5.  What is the function of DLL?
                                   6.  What is saved in the Winnt folder?
                                   7.  What  are  your  actions  if  you  don't  have  a  backup
                                       program or backup media?
                                   8.  How to export e-mails and web-browser data?
                                   9.  How do you act when printing  a configuration report
                                       from Windows NT 4?
                                   10. What’s the difference between printing a configuration
                                       report from Windows NT 4 and Windows 9x?

                            4. Give English equivalents of the following:

                             інсталяційна програма             вмикай і працюй
                             повна інсталяція                  знищувати дані
                             натискання на кнопку миші         пошук пошкоджень
                             папка спільного використання   змінний диск
                             резервна копія                    здатний  до  самозаванта-
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