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R  – resultant surface forces acting on this platform.
           Unit of measure   p   P а .
              In strength of materials loads that are distributed by volume and
           by  area,  often  reduced  to  the  loads  distributed  by  line.  This
           schematization is useful when considering the forces acting on the
           rod  (fig.  1.5,  a).  Measure  of  the  load  distributed  by  line  is  the
           intensity per unit length  q  (fig.1.5 b):

                                     R
                            q  lim    ,      R     q   x dx ,
                                x0   x        a
              where     –  resultant  forces  per  unit  length  acting  on  the
           length x . Unit of measure [q]=N/m.
              If the load of high intensity  q  acts on a small area, it can be
           seen as a concentrated force  P  (fig.1.5 c).
              A couple of forces that has a small shoulder can be seen as the
           focused moment attached at the point(fig.1.5, d).

                                       Figure 1.5

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