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зараз не має вдома. Він зазвичай приходить додому о сьомій вечора. 10) Ти знаєш
Майка? Він працює в цьому офісі.
Складаючи спеціальні запитання у теперішньому неозначеному часі, слова
розташовують таким чином: питальне слово (Wh-word), допоміжне дієслово, підмет,
основне дієслово (без закінчення -s у третій особі однини).
Wh-word + do + I/ you/ we/ they + V1?
Wh-word + does + he/ she/ it + V1?
Запам’ятайте питальні слова: who, what, where, when, why, which, whose, how,
how many/ much.
Наприклад: When do you come home?
Where does she go on Sundays?
What do you usually have for supper?
Запитання до підмета утворюються без допоміжних дієслів, але основне
дієслово обов’язково має закінчення -s:
Who understands this rule?
Whose sister speaks French?
What makes you feel upset?
Але: What children need help?
Which words explain the main idea of the story?
WH questions ask for information. They are different than Yes/No questions.
There are 6 different WH question words. They are:
Question Answer Example
What Thing What is that?
When Time When is the game?
Who Person Who do you live
Where Place Where do you live?
Why Reason Why are you happy?
How Directions/Feeling How are you?
STRUCTURE: WH questions in simple present can be with “do” or “be”
Examples: Where do you work? Where does she live?
Examples: Where are you from? Who is that man?
WHquestions are similar to simple present YES/NO questions except they have WH words at
the start.
Examples: Are you from Canada? Where are you from?
What or Which?
Word Explanation Example
Which lemonade do you like – green or
which You have a limited choice of things.
You have an unlimited choice of
what What lemonade do you like?
As a question word what is used to refer to objects or ideas in an open question;