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войовничий;  withstand  oneself  (resist)  –  протистояти  самому;  exert  pressure  on  –
               натискати; thirsty for foreign lands – жадібні до чужих земель;  bloody fight – кривава
               боротьба;  majestic  –  величавий;  state  –  держава;  truth-worthy  –  достовірний;
               merchant  –  купець;  cut  down  –  вирубати;  moat  –  рів;  –  pale  –  обгородити
               гостроколом; settlement – оселя; built site – забудоване місце.
               2. Translate the following text into Ukrainian. Build up a glossary to the underlined
                     Kyiv,  a  city  with  a  history  that  spans  more  than  a  millennium,  is  one  of  the  most
               picturesque cities in the world. The luxuriant greenery of Kyiv’s parks and tree-lined streets
               fully  harmonizes  with  its  impressive  architecture.  During  its  long  history,  Kyiv  has  been
               subjected to frequent attacks and destruction, but has been rebuilt each time and has always
               managed to retain its unique appeal.
                     Nobody  knows when and how Kyiv arose. The time of its foundation is lost in the
               remote past, when written language did not exist yet on our lands, and no chronicler could
               witness  to  the  rise  of  the  ancient  city.  However,  Kyiv  was  probably  founded  by  the
               Ukrainian tribe of the Polianians on the site of one or even several ancient Trypillian towns
               at a time when, under the pressure of new eastern barbarians, the warlike Royal Scythians
               had retreated from Ukraine. Now they had to withstand themselves the Asiastic tribes of the
               Germans, the Goths and the Huns. They had also to resist the Romans and the Byzantines
               who, thirsty for foreign lands, exerted pressure on our country in the south and the west. It is
               in this bloody fight that on our lands a state formed which was first called Kyivan Rus’ and
               then Ukraine. And this state was arising around the majestic city of Kyiv.
                     Although  there  is  no  truth-worthy  information  about  the  foundation  of  Kyiv,  the
               chronicle tells us an interesting legend about these very ancient events:
                     Once, when there were still forests and fields where Kyiv is now, three brothers, Kyi,
               Shchek and Khoryv, came there. There sister, Lebid, was also with them. They stood on the
               bank of the Dnipro, and the eldest brother, Kyi, said, “We’ll lay here the foundation of a
               settlement for us and the merchants who will come here!”
                     They cut down the forest and built the first houses. They dug a moat around that built
               site  and  paled  it. Then  they  gave  a  name  to  this  settlement  “horod  Kyiv”,  which  means
               “Kyi’s town”.
                     The cradle of the ancient Kyivan Rus civilization, Kyiv now is one of the great cities
               of  Europe,  with  a  population  of  nearly  3  million  inhabitants. Today,  Kyiv,  the  capital  of
               Ukraine, spreads over 42 km from north to south along the banks of the Dnipro River and
               43  km from  east to west. With wide  boulevards lined by  majestic trees and  monumental
               buildings  reflecting  different  architectural  styles  and  periods,  Kyiv’s  graceful  elegance
               cannot escape unnoticed.
                     Yet  Kyiv  is  also  a  major  industrial  centre  with  companies  engaged  in  electronics,
               instrument  construction,  engineering,  metal  working,  food  processing,  chemical  and
               petrochemical production and others. The economic development of Kyiv is fostered by its
               advantageous location on the banks of the Dnipro River, with its direct route to the Black
               Sea, at the crossroads of major regional as well as international railways, highways and air
                     Kyiv is an educational, cultural and governmental centre of Ukraine. There are lots of
               museums, churches, magnificent Cathedrals, cinemas and theatres which are visited by the
               guests from all over the world.

                                                           UNIT 7

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