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Hypothesis testing

               where we have used the condition     ∞  P(t|H 0 )dt = 1 to determine the normalisation constant.
               The distribution (3.10) is called Student’s t-distribution with N − 1 degrees of freedom. A plot of
               Student’st-distributionisshowninFig. 3.2forvariousvaluesofN.Forcomparison, wealsoplotthe
               standard Gaussian distribution, to which the t-distribution tends for large N. As is clear from the
               figure, The t-distribution is symmetric about t = 0. The critical points of the cumulative probability
               function C n (t) of the t-distribution, are defined by

                                                            ∫  t
                                                   C n (t) =    P(t |H 0 )dt ,
               wheren = N−1isthenumberofdegreesoffreedom. Clearly,C n (t)isanalogoustothecumulative
               probability function Φ(z) of the Gaussian distribution. For comparison purposes, we also list the
               critical points of Φ(z), which corresponds to the t-distribution for N = ∞.

                                                                             N = 1
                                                                             N = 3
                                                                             N = 10
                                                                             N(0, 1)



                                                −6   −4    −2    0    2     4    6
               Figure 3.2 – Student’s t-distribution for various values of N and the standard Gaussian distribution
               for a comparison.

               Example 3.2. Ten independent sample values x i , i = 1, 2, . . . , 10, are drawn at random
               from a Gaussian distribution with unknown mean µ and unknown standard deviation
               σ. The sample values are as follows:

                                     2.22 2.561.07 0.24 0.18 0.95 0.73 − 0.79 2.09 1.81

               Test the null hypothesis, H 0 : µ = 0 at the 10% significance level.                           ,

               Solution. For our null hypothesis µ 0 = 0. Since for this sample ¯x = 1.11, s = 1.01 and N = 10,
               it follows from (3.5) that
                                                             ¯ x
                                                    t =    √        = 3.33.
                                                        s/ N − 1
               The rejection region for t is given by (3.6) where t crit is such that

                                                    C N−1 (t crit ) = 1 − α/2,

               and α is the required significance of the test. In our case α = 0.1 and N = 10, and we find
               t crit = 1.83. Thus our rejection region for H 0 at the 10% significance level is t < −1.83 and
               t > 1.83.
                   For our sample t = 3.30 and so we can clearly reject the null hypothesis H 0 : µ = 0 at this

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