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P. 48

Grammar focus
                                                    The Continuous tenses
                         Task 1.  Read the following sentences, translate them into Ukrainian. Pay
                  attention to  the  forms  of  the  verbs  in  the  Present,  Past  and  Future  Continuous
                      1. At other locations plates carrying continental crust are moving toward each other.
                      2. While Earth’s internal heat engine is operating, the positions and shapes of the
                        continents and ocean basins will change and Earth will remain a dynamic planet.
                      3. Fortunately, for students who are beginning to study minerals, no more than a
                        few dozen are abundant!
                      4. Those clay minerals were absorbing large amounts of water, which allowed them
                        to swell to several times their normal size.
                      5. In  fact,  practically  every  manufactured  product  will  be  containing  materials
                        obtained from minerals in the nearest future.
                      6. The deposit was containing the average percentage of a valuable element such as

                         Task 2. Put up alternative and disjunctive questions to the following
                  sentences according to the model. Translate the given sentences.
                         Model: Many of the volcanic structures of andesitic composition are occupying
                  the continental margins that surround the Pacific Ocean.
                         Alternative question: Are many of the volcanic structures of dioritic or andesitic
                  composition are occupying the continental margins that surround the Pacific Ocean?
                         Disjunctive question: Many of the volcanic structures of andesitic composition
                  are occupying the continental margins that surround the Pacific Ocean, aren’t they?
                      1. During solidification, liquids plus various metallic ions were accumulating near
                        the top of the magma chamber.
                      2. The environmental impact of these large excavations, including the problems of
                        waste disposal, is being significant now.
                      3. The  accompanying  mudflows  are  carrying  ash,  trees,  and  water-saturated  rock
                        debris 29 kilometres down the river.
                      4. The force of the blast is so strong that some ash will be propelling  more than
                        18,000 meters into the stratosphere.
                      5. Some volcanoes, such as Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, were generating relatively
                        quiet outpourings of fluid lavas at that time.
                      6. The injection of a fresh supply of melt will be causing the magma chamber to
                        swell and fracture the rock above.


                         Task 1.  Read and memorize the following words:
                   random - випадковий                       comprise – включати, містити в собі
                   rift – рифт; розлом земної кори           crest - вершина
                   dot – укривати, цяткувати                 interior – внутрішня частина
                   awe-inspiring – той, що лякає, вселяє     roughly - приблизно
                   temporarily – на деякий час, тимчасово  bulbous - цибулиноподібний
                   respond – реагувати, робити щось у        overburden – покривна порода
                   mantle derived – той, що утворився        pull apart – розвалитись, розламатись
                   (походить) з мантії
                   notable – визначний, вартий уваги         subduct - рухатися, підсуватися (під

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