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rapidly enough that they undergo very  little alteration during their ascent. Geologists
                  consider these unusually deep pipes to be “windows” into Earth that allow us to view
                  rock normally found only at great depths.
                         Volcanoes  on  land  are  continually  being  lowered  by  weathering  and  erosion.
                  Cinder cones are easily eroded because they are composed of unconsolidated materials.
                  However, all volcanoes will eventually succumb to erosion. As erosion progresses, the
                  rock occupying a volcanic pipe is often more resistant and may remain standing above
                  the surrounding terrain long after most of the cone has vanished. This structure is called
                  a volcanic neck.

                         Task  3.  Try  to  define  the  most  important  terms  dealing  with  volcanic
                  structures (in English) and translate them into Ukrainian. Be sure to include the
                  following ones:
                          caldera;
                          collapse pit;
                          lava dome;
                          diatreme;
                          volcanic pipe;
                          volcanic neck.

                         Task 4. Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary from Task 1.
                    1. What do we call  large depressions with diameters that exceed 1 km and  have  a
                       somewhat circular form?
                    2. What is the name of depressions with diameters less than 1 km across?
                    3. What is the name of the greatest volume of volcanic material which is extruded
                       from fractures in the crust?
                    4. What is the name of a dome-shaped mass?
                    5. What shape can lava domes have?
                    6. Where do lava domes often form?
                    7. What connects a magma chamber to the surface?
                    8. Why do geologists sometimes consider deep pipes to be “windows” into Earth?
                    9. Are volcanoes on land continually being lowered by weathering and erosion?
                    10.   What structure is called a volcanic neck?

                         Task 5. Look at Figures 8.1 A, B and C. Define the landforms associated
                  with volcanic activity: A, B and C.

                         Task 6.   Find English equivalents for the following (see the text). Try to
                  build up your own sentences with them.
                         Найбільш  очевидна  вулканічна  структура;  асоціюватись  з  вулканічною
                  діяльністю;  перевищувати  1км;  кільцеподібна  (кругла)  форма;  обвал  вершини
                  великого композиційного вулкана; вибухове виверження; спричинений підземним
                  дренажем; виштовхуватись з тріщин земної кори; лінійні гірські  хребти; рідкий
                  тип трубкоподібної порожнини (вулкану); піддаватись незначній або малій зміні;
                  знайти на великих глибинах; не витримувати ерозії; збільшення ерозії.

                         Task 7. Give a short summary of the text from Task 2.

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