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P. 71

Task 1. Translate the following text into Ukrainian. Build up a glossary to the
                  underlined terms.
                         Source  rock  refers  to the  formation  in  which  oil  and  gas  originate.  Hydrocarbons  are
                  generated when large volumes of microscopic plant and animal material are deposited in marine,
                  deltaic, or lacustrine (lake) environments. The organic material may either originate within these
                  environments  and/or  may  be  carried  into  the  environment  by  rivers,  streams  or  the  sea.  The
                  microscopic plant and animal material generally is deposited with fine clastic (silt and/or clay)
                  sediments.  During  burial  the  sediments  protect  the  organic  material  by  creating  an  anoxic
                  (oxygen depleted) environment. This allows the organic material to accumulate rather than be
                  destroyed by aerobic organisms such as bacteria. Over time, the organic remains are altered and
                  transformed into gas and oil by the high temperatures and increased pressure of deep burial. This
                  process can take tens of thousands of years to occur.

                         Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English using the given vocabulary.
                                   Topic: Earth’s external processes. Mechanical weathering.
                  mechanical weathering – механічне               pore spaces – порожнини пор
                  frost wedging – морозне вивітрювання            freezing - замерзання
                  expand for – збільшитись на                     fracture – розколюватись на уламки
                  rupture – розриватись, розрив
                       Механічне вивітрювання відбувається під впливом  механічної дії сторонніх агентів.
                  Як  приклад  можна  навести    процес  замерзання  води.  Коли  вода  трапляє  у  пори  або
                  тріщини гірських порід, де згодом – замерзає, її об’єм збільшується на 9- 10%, при цьому
                  виникає великий тиск на стінки тріщин або пор. Сила, зумовлена зростанням тиску, долає
                  опір  гірських  порід  або    мінералів  на  розрив  і  вони  розколюються  на  окремі  уламки.
                  Найінтенсивніше руйнівну дію спричиняє вода, яка замерзає у  тріщинах гірських порід.
                  Внаслідок замерзання води легко  руйнуються також пористі породи, в яких порожнини
                  пор    займають  до  10-30%  об’єму.  Процеси,  пов’язані  з  дією  води,  яка    періодично
                  замерзає, ще називають морозним вивітрюванням.

                                                     INDIVIDUAL READING

                         Task 1. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian (in written form).
                                                  Evolution of an Ocean Basin
                         The  opening  of  a  new  ocean  basin  begins  with  the  formation  of  a  continental rift,  an
                  elongated  depression  along  which  the  entire  lithosphere  is  stretched  and  thinned.  Where  the
                  lithosphere  is thick, cool, and strong, rifts tend to be  narrow—often  less than a  few  hundred
                  kilometers wide. Modern examples of narrow continental rifts include the East African Rift, the
                  Baikal Rift (south central Siberia), and the Rhine Valley (northwestern Europe). By contrast,
                  where the crust is thin, hot, and weak, rifts can be more than 1000 km wide. In those settings
                  where rifting continues, the rift system evolves into a young, narrow ocean basin, such as the
                  present-day  Red  Sea.  Continued  seafloor  spreading  eventually  results  in  the  formation  of  a
                  mature ocean basin bordered by rifted continental margins. The Atlantic Ocean is such a feature.
                  What follows is an overview of ocean basin evolution using modern examples to represent the
                  various stages of rifting.
                         EAST AFRICAN RIFT. The East African Rift is a continental rift that extends through
                  eastern Africa for approximately 3000 km. It consists of several interconnected rift valleys that
                  split into eastern and western sections around Lake Victoria. Whether this rift will eventually
                  develop  into  a  spreading  centre,  with  the  Somali  subplate  separating  from  the  continent  of
                  Africa, is uncertain.
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