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гравіметричної зйомки
                  gauss – гаус – одиниця виміру земного           tesla – тесла – одиниця виміру магнітної
                  магнетизму                                      індукції
                  emit an impulse – випускати імпульс             angle of incidence – кут падіння
                  ratio - співвідношення                          to reduce noise – зменшити шум
                  seismic acquisition - сейсморозвідка            shot point – сейсмічний пункт вибуху
                  explosives  - вибухові речовини                 vibroseis – сейсмовібратор; вібросейс
                  shot hole – сейсмічна свердловина; вибухова  Primacord – детонуючий шнур; детонатор
                  plant in a trench – встановити (прокласти) у    sleeve gun – шланговий детонатор
                  spec survey – технічні умови сейсморозвідки  group shoot – групове виконання програми
                                                                  сейсмічних робіт
                  survey log book – журнал, де записуються        rugged terrain – пересічена місцевість
                  усе, що пов’язано із виконанням сейсмічних
                  water gun - гідрогармата                        sparker – спаркер; електроіскрове сейсмічне

                         Task 2. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian.

                                       Petroleum Exploration—Geophysical Techniques
                         Geophysics  is  the  application  of  physics  and  mathematics  to  the  study  of  the  earth.
                  Geophysicists,  who  are  trained  in  mathematics  and  physics,  commonly  use  three  surface
                  methods—gravity, magnetic, and seismic—to  explore the subsurface.  At the present, seismic
                  exploration  is  where  most  of  the  exploration  money  is  spent  and  most  of  the  technological
                  advances are being made.

                  Text 1
                                               Gravity and Magnetic Exploration
                         Gravity meters and magnetometers are relatively inexpensive, portable, and easy-to-use
                  instruments. A gravity meter or gravimeter measures the acceleration of the earth’s gravity at
                  that  location.  A  magnetometer  measures  the  strength  of  the  earth’s  magnetic  field  at  that
                  location. Both are small enough to be transported in the back of a pickup truck. A magnetometer
                  can be mounted in a stinger on the back of an airplane to conduct an aeromagnetic survey that is
                  fast and efficient and does not need permission from the land owners. The magnetometer can
                  also operate while being towed behind a boat. The gravity meter does not work well in either an
                  airplane or the ocean because of vibrations.
                         The  gravity  meter  is  very  sensitive  to  the  density  of  the  rocks  in  the  subsurface.  It
                  measures gravity in units of acceleration called milligals. A mass of relatively light rocks such as
                  a salt dome or porous reef can be detected by the gravity meter because of values over it that are
                  lower than normal gravity. A mass of relatively heavy rocks near the surface such as basement
                  rock in the core of a dome or anticline can be detected by higher-than-normal gravity values.
                         The  magnetometer  measures  the  earth’s  magnetic  field  in  units  called  gauss  or
                  nanoteslas. It is very sensitive to rocks containing a very magnetic mineral called magnetite. If a
                  large mass of magnetite-bearing rock (e.g., basement rock) occurs near the surface, it is detected
                  by a larger magnetic force than the normal, regional value. The magnetometer is primarily used
                  to  detect  variations  of  basement  rock  depth  and  composition.  It  can  be  used  to  estimate  the
                  thickness of sedimentary rocks filling a basin and to locate faults that displace basement rock.

                  Text 2
                                                      Seismic Exploration
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