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P. 8

VI. Test Your Understanding of the Words:

                                  “is eliminated”  in the last sentence  means:

                                          (a) is deleted              (c) is cut

                                          (b) is included            (d) is excluded

                                  VII. Word Choice.

                                  Find  the  most  suitable  word  to  complete  the  following

                                              Petroleum  is  worth  seeking  even
                                       if  the  processes  of  oil  and  gas
                                       generation,  migration  and  entrapment

                                         (a) incomprehensible   (c) unrealizable

                                         (b) inevitable                (d) irreversible

                                  Варіант 2.

                                  Petroleum is a natural substance that occurs in the Earth as
                            semi-solids,  liquids, or gases-or mutual solutions of these. There
                            are  two  types  of  petroleum  liquids:  crude  oil,  which  leaves  a
                            residue of compounds of high molecular weight on distillation, and
                            gas condensate, which leaves no residue on distillation. Petroleums
                            are mixtures of hydrocarbons (compounds of hydrogen and carbon
                            only) usually with some contaminant non-hydrocarbon compounds
                            of  nitrogen,  sulphur  and  oxygen  in  small  amounts;  also  of
                            vanadium  and  nickel.  The  hydrocarbons  form  a  great  range  of
                            compounds, and each accumulation of oil and most accumulations
                            of  gas  are  unique  in  that  they  differ  in  the  proportions  of  the
                            constituent hydrocarbons and the contaminants. They differ also in
                            that  each  hydrocarbon  compound  may  have  the  atoms  of  its
                            molecule arranged in two or more different spatial arrangements,
                            called  isomers.  The  isomers  of  a  compound  differ  slightly  in
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