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                                  Варіант 1.

                                    The  study  of  petroleum  geology  centres  logically  around
                            three  main  processes-petroleum  generation,  migration  and
                            accumulation.  However,  the  emphasis  is  placed  in  the  reverse
                            order.  Entrapment  is  the  heart  of  the  industry.  It  is  observable,
                            definable and measurable.
                                    The  experience  of  the  industry  is  that  petroleum  occurs
                            more commonly and in larger quantities in sedimentary basins that
                            in  areas  of  thin  and  incomplete  sedimentary  sequences;  more
                            commonly and in rather larger quantities in rocks of Mesozoic and
                            Tertiary ages than in older or younger rocks; and more commonly
                            in  anticlinal  traps  than  in  other  types  of  trap.  Experience  also
                            indicates  that  petroleum  is  found  more  cheaply  in  sedimentary
                            basins where petroleum has been found before, and in areas where
                            petroleum has been found before.
                                  The  goal  of  petroleum  geology  must  be  to  understand  the
                            processes of oil and gas generation, migration and entrapment so
                            well that the speculative element of industry is significally reduced
                            and finally eliminated.

                                  І. Choosing the Correct Definition for a Context:

                                          Petroleum geology is:

                             a)  the  study  of  three  main  processes-petroleum  generation,
                                 migration and accumulation
                             b)  the  science  that  studies  the  processes  under  the  Earth’s
                             c)  the geological understanding of the Earth
                             d)  a variety of geology

                                  II. Test Your Understanding of the Words:

                                   “definable” in  line  5  passage 1 means:

                                  (a) unpredictable                (c) guaranteed
                                  (b) risky                             (d) certain
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