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c)  Невпевненість      головним      чином      базується     на
                                місцеположенні справжньої нафтоматеринської породи.

                            d)  Невпевненість      головним      чином      базується     на
                                місцеположенні нафтоматеринської породи.

                                  VI. Test Your Understanding of the Words:

                                          In line   16    “subsequent” means:

                                            (a)  following;            (b)  former;

                                                   (c)  prior;                  (d) antecedent.

                                  VII. Word Choice.

                                  Find  the  most  suitable  word  to  complete  the  following

                                  Migration paths may be:

                                            (a)  broad;         (b)  curved;

                                               (c)    narrow;   (d)  long or short.

                                  Варіант 3.

                                    Opinions  differ  widely  on  the  state  of  petroleum  during
                            migration,  whether  in  solution,  in  colloidal  solution,  or  as  a
                            separate phase in water. Petroleum occurs in solution in formation
                            waters; it occurs as emulsions in the production processes; and it
                            occurs  as  a  separate  phase  in  the  trap.  Each  possibility  has  its
                            merits and its problems.
                                    Migration  in  aqueous  solution  has  the  merit  of  requiring
                            least work for its transport through the rocks. The problems relate
                            to  the  quantitative  sufficiency  of  this  process  in  view  of  the
                            relatively  low solubility of petroleum  in water, and the  need  for
                            some physical or chemical change to be imposed on the solution
                            for the release of petroleum to a separate phase in (or on the way
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