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породи, то їх неможливо досліджувати з розумінням.

                            c)  Якщо  збагачені  породи  не  будуть  визначені,  їх  буде
                                неможливо і вивчити.

                            d)  Якщо би збагачені породи впевнено не  визначили, їх би
                                не  вивчили з розумінням.

                                  VI. Test Your Understanding of the Words:

                                  In the    6  “is hampered” most nearly means:

                                  (a) is hindered        (b) is helped

                                  (c) is assisted        (d) is facilitated

                                  VII. Word Choice.

                                  Find  the  most  suitable  word  to  complete  the  following

                                   According  to  Passage  3  “a  photo-petroleum”  becomes
                            modified by:

                                  (a) mud                    (b) temperature

                                  (c) undersurface       (d) pressure

                                               КОНТРОЛЬНА РОБОТА №6.

                                  Варіант 1.

                                    Water  is  the  most  common  fluid  in  pore  spaces  in
                            sedimentary rocks in the subsurface. It is found in many parts of
                            the world within a few metres of the surface; and in most parts of
                            the world within  a  few tens of  metres  of the surface.  Water has
                            been  found  in  the  deepest  wells  drilled,  and  is  probably  only
                            eliminated as free water during metamorphism.
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