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P. 165

 You needn't bother much. I can get some more on the train
            - at least I hope so. But won't Elsie feel she's got to get up and

            look after me.

                    She may. But it's really her own fault if she does.
                    All the same, I'd feel rather guilty.

                    I don't think you need. We'll try to persuade her not to.

                    All right, that's settled, then.

                                               Sum up Exercises

                   Exercise  I.  Read  the  following  sentences  according  to  the
            tonetic  marks.  Explain  the  attitude  of  the  speaker  toward  the

            content  of  the  utterance  and  to  the  listener.  Determine  the

            communicative types of the sentences.

                   You don’t like it? What are you doing it for? Well we’ll get

            in touch with you, Mr. Gray. You must ask him. Are you really

            sorry? Careful. Poor old John. Do you intend to stay there long?

            They are awful.

                   Exercise  II.  Copy  the  sentences.  Mark  the  intonation
            according to the remarks in brackets. Get the sentences recorded.

                   I shan't stay a minute longer (final, categoric). Have another
            lump of sugar (suggesting a course of action). When did you say

            he was coming (asking to repeat the information already given). I
            hope I am not late (apologetic). Why didn't you say that before

            (unpleasantly surprised). Fine. (calm, reserved). But I'll see you on

            Sunday (soothing, reassuaring). I am not prompting (disgruntled
            protest). Did you go there last year? (genuinely interested). And

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