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monitor and control their users on the net to in order to prevent sharing
of copyrighted materials, hate speech or to screen out other possible
criminalized contents. Control mechanisms may be extended as well to
restrict anonym communications within internet services or to limit the
protection of sources.
Ubiquitous surveillance in relation to protection of sources has
already raised concerns among journalists. If people feel themselves
vulnerable by contacting journalists because of possible surveillance of
their mobile and email communication, it will be more difficult for
journalists to handle controversial, marginal or politically sensitive
issues. Journalists do not feel comfortable with the trend of increasing
data surveillance and intercepting of phone lines and email becoming
commonplace. If protection of sources is valued working principle of the
media, communication between journalists and their data sources should
be well protected. (Verclas & Dunn, 2012)
Big data
Big data has become a concept which describes the conditions of
extended data collection. We become classified, profiled, categorized on
our every click on the internet - and this data is mainly stored
permanently (Solove, 2004).
Google, Facebook and Microsoft have data on hundreds of
milliards of users. The ubiquitous environment extends the dimensions
through locating and recognition of individuals, real-time collection and
integration of data - and especially by increased amount and depth of
data. Data pools expand rapidly due to the data growth in transactional
databases, expansion of multimedia content, popularity of social media
and proliferation of applications of sensors in the Internet of Things.
(Manyika et al., 2012). And there is more interest on accurate and
personal data as well. Personal location data is among the 5 leading
fields of data collection globally (Manyika et al., 2012).
Big data doesn't refer to the increased amount of data only, but to
the technologies which are used to gather, analyze, link, and compare
large data sets and to the analysis of the data used to identify patterns in
order to make economic, social, technical, and legal claims. (Boyd &
Crawford, 2012, s. 2). The picture offered for consumers of the uses of
data e.g. in ubiquitous environment emphasizes providing of
personalized services, and personalized marketing. Data becomes as a
tailor made suit: personalized services and products are offered for users