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P. 47
5. Which compromise is mentioned in Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy?
Topics for research papers and reports
1. Augustine of Hippo – founder of Christian anthropology.
2. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophical system.
3. Faith and knowledge: problems of recognition.
4. Religion in the system of culture.
5. Science and religion: confrontation and point if contact.
Knowledge assessment questions
1. Describe the ideological content of Renaissance.
2. What is “anthropocentrism”?
3. Reveal main studies of Renaissance natural philosophy.
4. Explain the meaning of “pantheism” and “heliocentricism”.
5. Social and political thought of western-European Renaissance.
Topics for research papers and reports
1. Disputable nature of social and political as well as spiritual
processes of European Renaissance.
2. Leading ideas of humanism and their world outlook meaning.
3. Renaissance Neo-Platonism and natural philosophy about the
4. Role of Renaissance philosophy in formation of European science.
5. Problems of evaluation of historical role of Renaissance in the
development of European culture.
Knowledge assessment questions
1. Describe the main peculiarities of Early Modern Period philosophy
2. Compare the main methodological ideas of F. Bacon and R.
Descartes; make proper conclusions.
3. Characterize cognitive ideas of J. Locke, T. Hobbes, D. Hume.
4. Compare B. Spinoza and G. Leibniz’s views of the substance.
5. Show common and differing features between philosophies of H.
Skovoroda and professors of Kyiv-Mohyla academy where the
philosopher studied.
6. Define the peculiarities of H. Skovoroda’s philosophy.
7. What main problems of Ukrainian national idea does philosophy
solve and what are its trends? Give their analysis.