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T.  Aquinas,  the  representative  of  the  next  phase  in  medieval
               philosophy,  that  is  scholastics,  acted  as  a  significant  authority  in
               theological  and  philosophical  study  and  the  master  of  systematization

               and compromises. The work, which is introduced for students` studying
               touches  upon  the  fundamental  problem  of  medieval  ages  –  the
               interconnection  of  faith  and  mind.  Using  the  theories,  started  by

               Aristotle, Aquinas not only solves the medieval problem of universality
               himself,  but  also  tries  to  study  the  world,  which  has  essence  and
               existence. He believes, that it`s impossible to understand what a single
               human being  really  represents,  because  it plays  the  role  of  that  single

               thing that  was  created by  the  God`s  order.  Speaking  about  Aristotle’s
               thought of good and welfare, Aquinas regards the moral philosophy in
               terms of scholastics. It`s interesting to know, that he distinguishes three

               parts in moral philosophy: “monastics”, which proves determination of
               human actions by higher aim; “economics”, as a science of individuals
               about  charity,  “politics”,  which  investigates  the  behavior  of  social
               individuals.  Hereby,  the  morality  and  religion  according  to  Aquinas

               don`t  correlate,  but  only  influence  each  other,  the  role  of  church  is
               higher than the role of a state, and our mind is subjected to our faith.
                      The greatest attention can be focused on creativity of Tom Aquinas

               (1225-1274), on his doctrine that can be understood in three ways: the
               things in the mind of God, the things as its real essence and the things
               after understanding them in mind.

                      Passing on to the study of the next question, we should realize that
               first of all medieval philosophy accepts Christian concept of a human
               being.  The  forefront  makes  the  immortality  of  a  human  soul,  human

               similarity  with  God,  the  development  of  love  towards  him  as  an
               admitted  absolute  beginning  of  the  world,  which  is  represented  as

                  Philosophical works, recommended for the study of the students
                                 during different kinds of individual work:
                      1.     Augustine A. The Study of a Soul and Consciousness. Faith

               and  Mind.  Ethics.  Society  and  History  //  Anthology  of  World
               Philosophy. – M., 1970. 1st V., part 2. - P.592 – 605.
                      2.     Augustine  A.  Confession  /  A.  Augustine  //  Anthology  of
               world philosophy, methodical collection of philosophical texts. 1st V.,

               1st Chapter. K., 1991. - P. 19.

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