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53.    Even though it isn't right; emails are forwarded to others. Keep
                              this in mind when typing about emotional or controversial topics.
                           54.    When there  is a  misunderstanding  by email, don't hesitate to
                              pick up the old fashioned telephone to work things out!
                           55.    Know that  how  you type,  and  the  efforts  you  make  or  don't
                              make  will  indicate  what  is  important  to  you  and  if  you  are  an
                              educated courteous person.
                           56.    If you forward an email that turns out to be a hoax, have the
                              maturity to send an apology follow up email to those you sent the
                              misinformation to.
                           57.    When filling out a contact form on a Web site, do so carefully
                              and with clarity so your request is taken seriously.
                           58.    If a friend puts your e-mail address in the To: field with others
                              you do not know, ask them to no longer expose your address to
                              strangers without your permission.

                              Business Email

                           59.    Think  of  your  business  email  as  though  it  was  on  your
                              business letterhead and you'll never go wrong!
                           60.    If you cannot respond to an email promptly, at the very least
                              email  back  confirming  your  receipt  and  when  the  sender  can
                              expect your response.
                           61.    Emailing site owners about your product or service through the
                              site form is still spam. Ask them if they want more info first!
                           62.    When replying to emails always respond promptly and edit out
                              unnecessary information from the post you are responding to.
                           63.    Formality  is  in  place  as  a  courtesy  and  reflects  respect.
                              Assume  the  highest  level  of  formality  with  new  email  contacts
                              until the relationship dictates otherwise. Refrain from getting too
                              informal too soon in your email communications.
                           64.    Never  send  anyone  an  email  they  need  to  unsubscribe  from
                              when they didn't subscribe in the first place!
                           65.    Be  very  careful  how  you  use  Reply  to  All  and  Cc:  in  a
                              business environment. Doing so for CYA or to subtlety tattle can
                              backfire and have your viewed as petty or insecure.

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