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                            24.  to take one’s leave;        72.  to go too far too quickly;
                            25.  to be in high spirits;      73.  in preference to smth;
                            26.  to be in the way;           74.  to catch a death of cold;
                            27.  to put the finishing touches to   75.  to be in raptures;
                                smth;                        76.  to raise an eyelid;
                            28.  to long for;                77.  to knock smb down with a
                            29.  to be cut into a timid V;       feather;
                            30.  with one foot in the grave;   78.  to take smth as a matter of
                            31.  to fling open the door;         course;
                            32.  a hint of natural wave;     79.  to heave a sign of relief;
                            33.  in extreme youth;           80.  heavy in hand;
                            34.  to see to admiration;       81.  to be taken aback;
                            35.  to assume an expression;    82.  to stand on one’s head or heels;
                            36.  to be at a loss for words;   83.  to try another tack;
                            37.  to play a practical joke;   84.  to shrug one’s shoulders;
                            38.  to recover self-control;    85.  the ill-assorted match;
                            39.  the mask of friendliness;   86.  swiftness of a leopard stalking
                            40.  to delve into the secret of smb’s   his prey;
                                soul;                        87.  to put an obstacle in the way;
                            41.  to be in a passion;         88.  on smb’s account;
                            42.  to get a high colour;       89.  criminal lack of morality;
                            43.  in complete simplicity;     90.  to withdraw oneself with icy
                            44.  to fling one’s vanity to the    dignity;
                                winds;                       91.  to keep an eye on smb;
                            45.  for smb’s sake;             92.  to lose sight of smb;
                            46.  to be at the end of one’s tether;  93.  to discuss the matter at short
                            47.  to come to the rescue;          range;
                            48.  to put volumes into the     94.  to give a frown;
                                exclamation;                 95.  to come round to smb’s opinion;
                            49.  to go pale;                 96.  to have the last word

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  Why did Mrs. Tower want to redecorate her drawing-room?
                            2.  Did the writer find the rennovated room cosy? Why?
                            3.  Why didn’t  the writer like the new decoration?
                            4.  What was Jane Fowler’s background?
                            5.  What was Jane fond of doing?
                            6.  What did Jane look like when the writer met her?
                            7.  Why was it difficult to believe that Mrs. Tower and Jane were
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96