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                            1.  Skimming: Skim the reading to gain a general idea of its form, length,
                                and content. Give the gist of the story.

                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  In Seville, the writer happened to have some trifling indisposition.
                            2.  Stephens told a story about his eventless life.
                            3.  Stephens had the look of a companion of the Greek god Bacchus.
                            4.  The episode with the strange interview passed completely from the
                                writer’s memory.
                            5.  A Spanish woman appeared at the door.
                            6.  The writer understood that he had advertised well.
                            7.  Stephens wanted to know if there could be any chance for an English
                                doctor in Spain.
                            8.  The writer took a cab and drove up to the English doctor’s house.
                            9.  Steven’s wife was ready to change their quarters.
                            10. The writer opened the door to a total stranger.

                            3.Get ready to transcribe and  give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  alter        8.  embarrass    15. patio       22. twinkle
                            2.  solitary     9.  stroke       16. litter      23. fleshy
                            3.  conventional  10. infirmary   17. appliance   24. dissipated
                            4.  flounder     11. cursory      18. lumber      25. wide-brimmed
                            5.  tempt        12. bulge        19. startle     26. bacchanalian
                            6.  hazardous    13. indisposition  20. squeamish  27. Silenus
                            7.  a trifle     14. errand       21. dim         28. voluptuously

                            4.Reproduce situations in which the following is used.
                            1.  to force measures upon smb;   11. to have a fancy for smth;
                            2.  to alter points of view;    12. to keep body and soul together;
                            3.  a prisoner in a solitary tower;   13. to pass completely from one’s
                            4.  by conventional signs;          memory;
                            5.  to point the finger of fate;   14. to catch sight of smb;
                            6.  to give an apologetic laugh;   15. out of the night;
                            7.  to stick smth;              16. to bear an expression of humor;
                            8.  to be in the medical;       17. in one’s first youth
                            9.  to have a forcible ring;     1 18 8. .   to flash a smile
                            10.  t to o   g gi iv ve e   a a   c cu ur rs so or ry y   g gl la an nc ce e; ;
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