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P. 46


                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   to rise by degrees;           -   by good luck;
                            -   to come to one’s knowledge;    -   on deposit;
                            -   to make a difference;         -   to make a fortune;
                            -   to make sure;                 -   a rate of interest

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What did Foreman look like?
                            2.  Why did the new vicar want to fire Foreman?
                            3.  What did Foreman feel when he walked out of the church?
                            4.  What made Foreman start his own business?
                            5.  What did he do to expand his business?
                            6.  How did he manage his business?
                            7.  How can you prove that Foreman was a good entrepreneur?
                            8.  Why did the bank manager want to see Foreman?
                            9.  Would  it be prudent  of Foreman to trust his  investing to the bank
                                manager? Why?
                            10. Can Foreman’s life be called a “little irony of fate”? Why?

                            6.Give  a  detailed  account  of  Foreman’s  decision-  making  to  start  his  own

                            7.Make up a dialogue between
                                   a)  the vicar and the verger,
                                   b)  Foreman and the bank manager.

                            8.Draw a character sketch of Mr. Foreman.

                            9.Comment the bank manager’s attitude to Mr.. Foreman.

                            10. From your life experience, give examples how people could dramatically
                            change their lives to great advantage.

                            11.What skills are necessary to be a success in business? Why?

                            12.Write a brief  summary of the story.
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