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                            magnet,  helping  him  to  explain  himself,  promising  him  something.
                            What it was I do not know. Perhaps they promised that there would
                            always  be  women  in  the  world  who  would  spend  their  brightest,
                            freshest, rarest hours to nurse and protect that superiority he cherished
                            in his heart.


                            1.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  queer                      6.  deep in one’s heart
                            2.  average                    7.  a refuge of life
                            3.  to conceal                 8.  to cling to one’s/smb’s point of view
                            4.  misprision                 9.  preposterous
                            5.  impassioned

                            2.Supply antonyms and synonyms to the following.
                            Queer, definite, erect, different, compensation, refuge, sink, stubbornly.

                            3.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What did the author feel when he heard a man proclaiming himself
                                an “average, honest, open fellow”?
                            2.  What is the main difference between the rich and the poor?
                            3.  What do the rich think, deep in their hearts? Why?

                            4.Which sentences are true?
                            1.  The author wants to attack all the lies that the poor have told about
                                the rich.
                            2.  Unless  one  was born rich,  one  will  never understand the  world  of
                                rich people.
                            3.  Anson Hunter was a foreigner.
                            4.  Reporters make the country of the rich as unreal as fairy-land.
                            5.  The author  described nothing but a preposterous movie.

                            1.  The author’s understanding  of the  difference between the rich and
                                the poor.
                            2.  “An average, honest, open fellow”.
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