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                                 g)  What was right was right.
                                 h)  You can never tell about people.
                                 i)  Death  and  sickness  have  no  favourites;  they  come  to  all  men,
                                     presidents and kings and movie stars, they all die, they all get sick.
                                 j)  He couldn’t open his mouth unless it was to make a sales talk.
                                 k)  You haven’t a day to lose if you intend to be financially independent
                                     when you are sixty-five.
                                 l)  That’s what burned a man up.
                                 m)  It was too sad not to be funny.
                                 n)  Harry is the man for the emergency.

                            10.Write a brief summary of the story.

                            11.Analyse the reading according to the following outline:
                            1.  Introduction: (author, title, background, and main idea)
                            2.  Form:
                                a) Genre
                                b) Structure
                            3.  Content:
                                a) Theme or thesis
                                b) Plot or action
                                c) Characters
                                d) Setting
                                e) Point of view
                            4.  Style:
                                a) Language
                                b) Tone
                                c) Figures of speech
                            5.  Critique:
                                a) Critical analysis
                                b) Personal response
                            6.  Conclusion
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