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P. 163


                                  "My  friend,  you  shouldn't  judge  a  stranger  always  by  the
                            clothes he wears. I am quite able to pay for this suit. I simply didn't
                            want to put you to the trouble of changing a large note".
                                  “But why do  you think we  cannot  change  any  note  you may
                            carry around? On the contrary, we can.”
                                  I handed the note to him, and said:
                                  "Oh, very well; I apologize".
                                  He received it with a large smile, and then taking a glimpse at
                            the bill this smile froze. The man stood there holding the bill, and the
                            proprietor hurried up to see what was the matter, and said quickly:
                                  "Well, what's up? What's the trouble? What's a wrong?"
                                  I said: "There isn't any troble. I'm waiting for my change".
                                  "Get him the change, Ted!"
                                  The  fellow  answered  back:  "Get  him  his  change!  Its  easy  to
                            say, sir; but look at the bill yourself".
                                  The proprietor took a look, gave a low, expressive whistle, then
                            made a dive for the pile of rejected clothing, and began to snatch it
                            this way and that, talking all the time excitedly, and as if to himself:
                                  "To  sell  an  eccentric  millionaire  such  an  unspeakable  suit  as
                            that!  Ted's  fool  —  a  born  fool.  Always  doing  something  like  this.
                            Drives every millionaire away from this place, because he can't tell a
                            millionaire from a beggar, and never could. Ah, here's the thing I'm
                            looking  for! Please get  those  things  off, sir,  and throw them  in the
                            fire. Do me the favour to put on this shirt and this suit; it's just the
                            thing,  the  very  thing  —  plain,  rich,  modest,  and  elegant;  made  to
                            order for a foreign prince. He had to leave it with us and take a black
                            suit  because  his  mother  was  going  to  die  —  which  she  didn't.
                            Trousers all right, they fit your perfectly, sir; now the waistcoat: aha,
                            right  again!  Now  the  coat!  Look  at  that,  now!  Perfect,  the  whole
                            thing! I never saw such a triumph in all my experience".
                                  I expressed my satisfaction.
                                  "Quite right, sir, quite right; it'll do for a makeshift, I must say.
                            But wait till you see what we'll make for you to your own measure.
                            Come, Ted, book and pen, go ahead. Length of leg, 32 inches" — and
                            so on. Before I could say a word he had measured me, and was giving
                            orders  for  dress  suits,  morning  suits,  shirts  and  all  sorts  of  things.
                            When I got a chance I said:
                                  "But, my dear sir, I can't give these orders, unless you can wait
                            indefinitely, or change the bill".
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