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P. 139


                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  William Keough was appointed acting consul in Coralio.
                            2.  The  sellers  in  the  market  couldn’t  understand  why  no  customers
                            3.  Atwood decided to play a joke on the postmaster.
                            4.  The friends decided to create a necessity for a demand.
                            5.  The stock of cockleburrs was exhausted.
                            6.  Mr. Hemstetter arrived with a big stock of footwear.
                            7.  A  fruit  steamer  brought  a  big  mysterious  brown  bale  of  unknown
                            8.  Atwood  always  told  Keough  the  story  of  his  ended  romance  with
                            9.  John  had  to  see  that  the  cases  of  shoes  were  safely  stored  in  the
                                customs warehouse.
                            10. Keough advised John to send Mr. Hemstetter and his daughter home.
                            11. The demand followed and Mr. Hemstetter sold three hundred pairs
                                of shoes.
                            12. Atwood wrote to his government to accept his resignation.
                            13. Pick Dawson hired two schooners to deliver cockleburrs to Coralio.
                            14. John received a letter from his own town.
                            15. John repeated his success and earned a bag of money.
                            16. Atwood wired a telegram asking to send him dry cockleburrs.
                            17. Atwood  succeeded  in  destroying  Hemstetter’s  order  for  $  1,500
                                worth of shoes from Nothern firms.

                            3.Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  porch        5.  habour       9.  booze       13. swarm
                            2.  consulate    6.  warehouse    10. cockleburr   14. exhaust
                            3.  hammock      7.  foot-gear    11. bale        15. invoice
                            4.  deserted     8.  centipede    12. immune      16. caricature

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is  used.
                            -   to plunge into smth;          -   to create a demand;
                            -   to dust oneself;              -   lords of the earth;
                            -   to save the situation;        -   to straighten out;
                            -   to ruin the chance;           -   to destroy the order;
                            -   to work out smth;             -   to accept a resignation
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