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                            stars, and wrapped in many folds. And he cried out to his coMr.ade
                            that he had found the treasure that had fallen from the sky, and when
                            his  coMr.ade  had  come  up,  they  sat  them  down  in  the  snow,  and
                            loosened the folds of the cloak that they might divide the pieces of
                            gold. But, alas! no gold was in it, nor silver, nor indeed, treasure of
                            any kind, but only a little child who was asleep.
                                  And one of them said to the other: "This is a bitter ending to
                            our hope, nor have we any good fortune, for what doth a child profit
                            to a man? Let us leave it here, and go our way, seeing that we are
                            poor men, and  have  children  of  our  own whose  bread we may  not
                            give to another."
                                  But  his  companion  answered  him:  "Nay,  but  it  were  an  evil
                            thing to leave the child to perish here in the snow, and though I am as
                            poor as thou art, and have many mouths to feed, and but little in the
                            pot, yet will I bring it home with me, and my wife shall have care of
                                  So very tenderly he took up the child, and wrapped the cloak
                            around it to shield it from the harsh cold, and made his way down the
                            hill  to the village, his coMr.ade marvelling much  at his  foolishness
                            and softness of heart.
                                  And when they came to the village, his coMr.ade said to him,
                            "Thou hast the child, therefore give me the cloak, for it is meat that
                            we should share."
                                  But he answered him: "Nay, for the cloak is neither mine nor
                            thine, but the child's only," and he bade him Godspeed, and went to
                            his own house and knocked.
                                  And when his wife opened the door and saw that her husband
                            had returned safe to her, she put her arms round his neck and kissed
                            him, and took from his back the bundle of faggots, and brushed the
                            snow off his boots, and bade him come in.
                                  But he said to her, "I have found something in the forest, and I
                            have brought it to thee to have care of it," and he stirred not from the
                                  "What is it?" she cried. "Show it to me, for the house is bare,
                            and we have need of many things." And he drew the cloak back, and
                            showed her the sleeping child.
                                  "Alack,  goodman!"  she  murmured,  "have  we  not  children
                            enough of our own, that thou must need bring a changeling to sit by
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