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                            12. Wilson  was manager of the Crawford Street branch of the York and
                            13. Wilson’s wife died of bronchial pneumonia.
                            14. Wilson’s effects were sold.
                            15. Wilson got poisoned and was taken to the hospital.
                            16. Wilson read a story about Sybaris and Crotona.

                            3.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  repine     10. prim         19. shingle       28. serenity
                            2.  resignatio  11. garments    20. hover         29. atrophy
                                n          12. attire       21. tumbledown    30. trite
                            3.  scrap-iron  13. portly      22. assumption    31. flaw
                            4.  odd        14. emaciated    23. hanky-panky  32. tranquillity
                            5.  singular   15. invigorating  24. gratuity     33. bewilder
                            6.  exhilarate   16. tittle-tattle   25. strum
                            7.  tickle     17. grove        26. zest
                            8.  jabber     18. scrunch      27. elapse
                            9.  creased

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   a blaze of splendour;            -   to pension smb off;
                            -   like tram-cars;                  -   to call it a day;
                            -   to confide in smb;               -   a shiver down one’s spine;
                            -   to sink into the sea;            -   to lose the sense of beauty;
                            -   to saunter to and fro;           -   independence of spirit;
                            -   to break into a chorus;          -   to seek felicity;
                            -   to claim the insurance money;    -   to know one’s own mind;
                            -   to be in the habit of doing;     -   to cut the thread;
                            -   to impart information;           -   to take leave;
                            -   to settle down;                  -   to occupy one’s mind;
                            -   to disturb the serenity of existence;  -   to exercise power;
                            -   a poke in the eye;               -   to settle accounts
                            -   to indulge in smth;              -   to give notice
                            -   a plume of smoke;                -   once in a blue moon;
                            -   to settle the matter             -   to grudge smth

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  Why was the writer curious to meet Wilson?
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